Which Would You Like: Corona Virus or Karuna virus?
Currently all we are hearing about is the Corona Virus. I heard it being called the Karuna virus. I thought, that actually makes a whole lot of sense. I rather take that…the compassionate (Karuna) Virus.
In the midst of this global pandemic we can see the fear factor that is being driven into people. It’s not the first virus discovered on Earth. There are many more things that kill many more people daily, like heart disease but no one is looking at anything else. No one looks at how the food industry has hijacked the brains of the common man due to which our bodies are weak and less resistant to these viruses. It’s the fear of the unknown that creates even more fear.
In these troubling times how do we see the compassion, the Karuna, in this situation? Every living being has a soul and a super soul. The Lord mentions that He is present in every atom as the super soul. So whether it’s a parasite, virus, a bacteria or amoeba the Lord is present in it and it is like a guided missile going to a particular body. Guided by the supersoul, these tiny little creatures can wreak havoc for a big intelligent human being. How is it that the same super soul is in us, but these tiny little creatures, that are not even visible to a naked eye, can wreak such havoc in our lives? Medical researchers have yet to find a cure for viruses.
The human mind is immensely superior to these tiny bugs. It’s far more intelligent, but then it is also far more corrupt. Due to our so-called independence in human life we are completely misdirected and we have come away from the good old practices that human life had evolved with. In animal life or other living creatures the super soul just directs the soul and things happen. They don’t have any reasoning power, it’s just nature at work. But humans on the other hand, in spite of the superior guidance of the super soul, they have reasoning power and a mind of their own, so to speak. The Illusory energy of the Lord, maya is also so strong that it over powers the human mind. Lust is told to be the biggest enemy. Lust can be satisfied from all our senses. These senses actually get us into a lot of trouble.
Lets look at this current situation of the Corona virus. As of now we know that this has started by humans eating wild and exotic animals to satisfy the lusty desires of the tongue. These exotic animals were carrying some viruses which are told to have been transferred to humans.
A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Source
According to our ancient system of medicine, Ayurveda, a virus is defined in a slightly different way.
Scientists can recognize a virus only when it’s connected with a living cell. It’s proved that a virus is an abnormal product of cell formation and does not come from outside a cell. When indigestion condition occurs in our body, then all consumed elements from food are not digested properly, making undigested Ama. This makes abnormal aahar rasa called as Ama. This aahar rasa make the cells of our body. As aahar rasa is abnormal then produced cells are also abnormal. If cells are abnormal then DNA, GENE and protein synthesis of RNA are also abnormal. Due to abnormal protein synthesis nucleic acid also becomes abnormal. Ultimately genes which are protein molecules also become abnormal [9]. This genetic material which is produced from an abnormal protein is a virus. Source
There is still the question about the virus spreading from person to person. The virus and bacteria are ever present in our mouth and other sensory organs, it’s the question of immunity that causes a multiplication of these viruses and illness occurs. Our weak bodies, due to undigested processed food diets, are a major part of the problem. It has weakened our immune system. All of this ultimately springs from the lust to satisfy our senses.
The Karuna (compassion) of the Lord can be seen in many ways. Due to this and other diseases one has an opportunity to correct their lifestyle. There is always a lesson to be learnt. We can see that our ancient ways were very valuable and must be passed on to future generations. Whether it’s Ayurveda systems of health or Chinese, Japanese, or Unani medicine, all were based on natural lifestyles and natural herbs to keep the body strong. Like in the vedic system of life we fold hands to say Namaste instead of shaking hands, when we cook we cover our heads so hair does not fall in the food, when we cook also we sing the holy names alongside. Talking while cooking can make you spit which is infectious, but when we sing there is no spitting. Cooking with certain herbs and spices, brushing the teeth with Neem sticks, gargling on a regular basis, cleansing techniques for the eyes, nose etc. Washing feet before entering the home, or washing hands often as we cook for the Lord. These practices have been forgotten. Breathing exercises and yoga practices all make the body strong. Eating plant based meals cooked fresh all keep the immunity strong. Of course there is Karma involved and those destined to have this disease will probably get it. But as sincere practitioners of the Lord our bodies are no longer our property. They belong to Guru and Gauranga and we must keep it in top most health to serve properly.
The biggest enemy lust has only one way of going away. The Karuna avatars, the most merciful incarnations Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu have given us the holy names which removes lust from the heart. There is no other way. The cleansing action of the holy names will remove lust. After the cleansing, when we discover our true self, is when we can take care of our true self. The Holy names have also the power to protect us from any calamity. And if calamity does arrive the holy names will take us to our destination, at the lotus feet of the Lord. One need not have fear but one must always be vigilant of the dangers of the material world. It’s a very precarious situation here in the material world. Anything at any moment can take our life. The compassion (karuna) of the Lord in this age of Kali towards the living beings is also the most. These holy names fulfill all of our desires and ultimately purify us to take us to the lotus feet of the Lord. This Karuna virus has also spread very fast and in every town and village the holy names are being chanted. As soon as you chant the Lord is with you. That is our only saving grace.
To end on a sweet note: the air around the world is cleaner, less pollutants entering the sea, and streets are less noisy. Families are spending time together, less planes flying around the world, luxury cruise ships are not dirtying up the sea, people are looking at local solutions for needs, and are even taking the time to wash their hands! The hectic pace of the world has slowed. We're breathing consciously. Grateful for being alive. Yes, we will overcome this virus. But I hope we fall in love with this new way of being!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare