At the Lotus Feet of Sri Guru
I once heard in a lecture from a saintly person that one should always keep their senses attentive towards Sri Guru. I failed to note down where I heard this. But the example given was that of a dog. A faithful dog may be doing any work, but his ears are always open for his owner’s protection. If he hears a sound he immediately barks to warn the owner.
Similarly we as sadhakas, aspiring devotees, must always keep our ears, eyes heart & mind at the lotus feet of Guru. Guru’s instructions can come in any form. While chanting too we may get some instruction from within. In our siddha swaroop as manjaris of Radharani, our Guru Manjari can instruct us with her eyes and engage us in Radharani’s service. So being alert and attentive is very important. It is told a manjari should always have tatparta, which means readiness to serve.
Develop the quality of readiness to serve Sri Guru and Gauranga!!
Chant Always !!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama , Rama Rama Hare Hare