Satisfaction - Missing Goat No. 3 Syndrome


Am I satisfied in life or am I looking for things to satisfy me? Often we look for external things to satisfy us in our material life. But despite having many material things, talents, and skills we still feel dissatisfied. It is told in our scriptures that if we water the root of the plant instead of the leaves, flowers, and fruits individually, then the whole plant will be nourished and satisfied. Similarly, if we nourish our soul in our spiritual life, we will be satisfied in our material life as well.

The missing goat #3 syndrome is an example given by psychology experts, that was explained to us by Prabhu Prem Gopal Goswami Maharaj in a recent lecture. I will quote the story here.

It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small town near Toronto in Canada. Two school-going friends had a crazy idea. They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted the number 1, 2 and 4 on their sides. That night they let the goats loose inside their school building.

The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong. They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance and realized that some goats had entered the building. A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found. But the authorities were worried, where was goat No. 3? They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3. There was panic and frustration. The school declared a holiday for the students. The teachers, helpers and the canteen boy were all busy looking for the goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found. Simply because it did not exist.

We are all like those folks in the school – we may have our own goats, but are obviously looking for the elusive, missing, non-existent goat No.3. So instead of making the most of what we have and focusing on our strengths, we worry about the missing piece – our shortcomings. Do the best you can with what you have and be grateful for what you get. Success and happiness will come your way. Stop worrying about goat No. 3!’


We are always looking for that something that does not exist. Instead of appreciating what we have we look for that thing that supposedly will make us satisfied. Our entire life is spent in search of that something. Precious time is wasted. We tend to compare ourselves with others, that they have this and I must also have that. But we forget to compare the time and effort that they put in attaining that. It is also a matter of gratitude. Every morning we forget to be grateful to be alive and instead our thoughts are flooded with that something that we need or want to feel satisfied.

Satisfaction is not complacency. Satisfaction is acceptance of who you are. (Mahatma Das)

Prabhu explained, this missing goat #3 story is misdirected in our life. In our material life we are always looking for that something to satisfy us which does not exist. We feel dissatisfaction materially in most aspects of our life. But in our spiritual life, we do a little bit of service for Lord Krishna and we feel great satisfaction.

We must always feel great satisfaction from who we are and the uniqueness of our own being. We can utilize those qualities in our material life and in the service of the Lord. But in spiritual life one should not become satisfied and think that whatever we are doing or we did for Krishna is enough. Complacency in spiritual life will not allow us to progress.

Never be satisfied with the amount and quality of chanting we have done. Always chant:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

Kirti Seth