

Worthiness based on the body versus the soul is on my mind. If I base my worthiness on the body then I can say I am wealthy, I am good looking, I am strong, I am intelligent, I am somewhat famous in my circle and I can be renounced if I want to. All of these are the six opulences of Krishna described in Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. We are a part and parcel of Krishna and therefore we also have these opulences in minute quantities. I may base my self-worth on material objects, but money is never enough, things are never enough and the pursuits to greater material happiness are never enough. Eventually what can happen is that we can lose all our wealth, beauty fades with time and intelligence can be lost, we become weak as we grow older, and when we don’t have these we can become less famous among our friends or acquaintances. Our life will then dwindle as we get depressed by the reality of material affairs. We may have aches and pains, hair falling off and our skin sagging. We ultimately start to understand that this body is dwindling faster than we know it and therefore our sense of worth, being based on this body, will also wane away. One may be so despondent and discouraged that they may do wrong things in life and commit to sinful life in some way. In other words they may make the wrong choices in life based on their material worth.

In the words of C.S. Lewis, “You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” As we have heard before we are not material bodies having an occasional spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a bodily experience. This shifts our focus from body to spirit. Coming to a spiritual path one realizes this slowly. This soul is a part and parcel of God. When we stop believing our self to be our body, and begin to understand that we are a soul, we set our self upon a worthy path. When our true self is our soul, and that soul is part of the Infinite, then who we are is literally of infinite worth. As we feel this worth our hunger for outward approval and validation disappears. The inner voices of ugliness fade. The feelings of futility dissipate. (Source)

With this shift in consciousness we live a happier life as attachment to the body, things, and people associated to us always ultimately brings suffering. Those aches and pains will be better tolerated knowing that we are not this body. When we then base our worthiness on the soul we can make better choices in life. Choices that nourish the soul. We may start practices of meditation and we may also eat better to take care of this body as it houses the soul in it.

Our worthiness is infinite as we are part of that infinite.

Here are this week’s tunes !!

Kirti Seth